to Tom's WEB
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) SET OF TAGS.
The links below will help understand HTML TAGS.
Creating a Web Site: HTML
Web Design Group HTML 4
Index of Elements can be found HERE
HTML 4.0 Elements Tag Index can be found HERE
The W3C is an industry consortium which seeks to promote standards for the evolution of the Web and interoperability between WWW products by producing specifications and reference software. Although W3C is funded by industrial members, it is vendor-neutral, and its products are freely available to all.
. You'll find some useful information at the W3C Web site (http://www.w3.org).
There is no single specification for "dynamic HTML" since it's really a combination of several things. Netscape and Microsoft each have their own definitions and explanations of it on their respective Web sites.
The HTML 4.0 Specification
the Web site of the World Wide Web Consortium includes the current standard for
cascading style sheets or CSS1) and for scripting services. See in particular
and the
Object Model. They include links to other valuable sources.
Project Cool is
a center of information exchange and offers a daily newsletter in which people
trying to use dynamic HTML share experiences.