This is the HTML codes for the Tables .

***** this is the start of the table at the top of the page it has one Row and two divisions *** 

<table border="1" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
<td width="18%" valign="middle" align="center" bgcolor="#000000"><img border="0" src="trailgif1r.gif" width="89" height="75"></td>
<td width="82%" bgcolor="#000000">
<p align="center"><font size="6" color="#FF0000">Welcome to Tom's Web<br>

*** This is the end of the top table the *****

*** This is the start of the Main table it has 1 row and 3 divisions ***

<table border="1" cellpadding="10" width="100%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
***** This is the start of the only row in the Main table *****
 ***** This is the start of the First division in the Main table ***** 
<td width="33%">First Division in the main tables Top
<!-- **** This is the start of the table inside the first division of the main table it five rows **** -->
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" width="100%" bgcolor="#0000FF">
<td width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFF00" valign="middle" align="center">This is the table inside the main tables left divisions row 1
<td width="100%">Left Row 2</td>
<td width=
"100%">Left Row 3</td>
<td width=
"100%">Left Row 4</td>
<td width=
"100%">Left Row 5</td>
End of first division in the main tables Bottom

* This is the end of the table inside the first division of the main table it five rows *
**** This is the start of the second division of the main table **** 
<td width=
"33%" valign="middle" align="center" bgcolor="#FF0000">

<!-- ***** This is the Start of the table inside the main table center division -->
<table border="1" cellpadding="8" width="100">
<td valign=
"middle" align="center" bgcolor="#00FF00">This The top of the first table inside the main tables second division
<div align="center">
<!-- ***** This is the start of the inside center table ******** --> 
<table border="5" cellpadding="8" width="100">
<td valign="middle" align="center" bgcolor="#0000ff">This is the top of the table inside of the first table<br><img border="0" src="trailgif1r.gif" width="89" height="75"><br>This is the bottom of the table inside of the first table</td>
This is bottom of the first table inside the main tables second Division
<!-- ***** This is the end of the inside center table Blue******** --> 

</td>Second division in The main tables top
End of second division in the main tables bottom
** This is the end of the second table inside the main table center division **

****** This is the start of the third division in the main table ******
<td width="34%">Third division in main tables top

 This is the start of the table inside the main tables third division it has five rows 
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" width="100%" bgcolor="#00ff00">
<td width=
"100%">This is the table inside the main tables right division Row 1</td>

<td width="100%">Right Row 2</td>
<td width=
"100%">Right Row 3</td>
<td width=
"100%">Right Row 4</td>
<td width=
"100%">Right Row 5</td>
End of third division in main table bottom
 ***** This is the end of the table inside the main tables third division ***** 
***** This is the end of the main tables third division **** 
 ***** This is the end of the main tables only row ***** 
 **** This is the end of the main table ***** 

** This is the start of the bottom table it has one row and five divisions **  
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
<td width="20%"> </td>
<td width="20%"> </td>
<td width="20%"> </td>
<td width="20%"> </td>
<td width="20%"> </td>

**** This is the end of the bottom table ****

If all this is over whelming we will simplify it on the next page.
