On the previous page we talked about the  <html> ,</html>,<head> ,</head>.<title>, </title>, <p>, </p>, <br>, <body>, </body>,  and <!-- , -->. 

Now we will do some work with the body tag and see if we can't get a better looking page.

By adding  " ( bgcolor ="#00FFFF")" body tag we changer the back ground color to light blue.

The body tag changed from <body> to <body bgcolor ="#00FFFF">. The 00FFFF is the hex number for this background color the first two numbers are for how much RED is in the color the middle two is for ho much GREEN is in the color and the last two numbers is for how much blue is in the color. All three numbers have a range from 00 to FF  00 being no color and FF meaning that the color gun is on full. so if the number was 000000 the background would be black, If the number was FFFFFF the background would be white. If the number was #FF0000 the background would be RED, if it were #00FF00 the background would be GREEN. and if the number were #0000FF the background would be BLUE Any thing in  between is up to you.

Now lets do something with the text. To change the text color we use another HTML tag the <font>and </font> tags. Like this  <font color = "#FF00FF">Changes the color of the text to this until you put in the </font> tag which changes it back </font> like this . As above the color can be any thing you chose.

We also use the <font> tag to change the size of the text with a number from 1 to 7 like this.

This is size 1 the font tag looks like this  <font size = "1">
This is size 2 the font tag looks like this  <font size = "2">
This is size 3 the font tag looks like this  <font size = "3">
This is size 4 the font tag looks like this  <font size = "4">
This is size 5 the font tag looks like this  <font size = "5">
This is size 6 the font tag looks like this  <font size = "6">
This is size 7 the font tag looks like this  <font size = "7">

This is normal text it is what you get if you don't use a font tag.

To change the stile of the text we have three other tags the bold <b> </b>, Italics <I> </I>, and the under line<U> </U>  .
This is normal text. (no tag)
<b>This is Bold text the tag is like this</b>
<i>This is Italic rest like this </i>
<u>This is under lined text</u>
And you cab use any combination of the 3.
<b><i><u>This is bold italic under lined.</b></i></u>

To change the font its self their are over a100 different fonts recognized by the browser and you can down load thousands more but remember if you use down loaded fonts the people looking at your page won't see them unless they have installed them too. That's why it is best to not use them.

I will make a few lines using different fonts so we can see what happens to the tags.

<font size = "3" face = "Copperplate Gothic Bold">This is Copperplate Gothic Bold size 3 the tags look like this </font>

<font size = "4" face = "Berliner" color = "#FF0000">This is  Berliner size 4 color RED </font>

Up to here we have been using normal text alignment now we can use alien left, alien center, and alien right to are page.

<p align = "center">This is alien paragraph using center the tags are </p> 

<p align = right>This is paragraph using alien right
the tags are <p>

<p align = "left">This is a paragraph using alien left</p>

This is normal it is aligned lift automatically no tag.
<center>This is a line using alien center.</center>

That is about all I have on text format.

On the next page we will learn how to use an image for a back ground

