On the last page we learned how to change the background to an image and how make the links change colors. so that they start RED and change to GREEN when you click on them. Then to BLUE if you have been there already .
The body tag looked like this.
<body bgcolor = "00FFFF" background = "sand[1].gif" link = "#FF0000" vlink = "#0000C0" alink = "#008000">
Now we will put in a full page background image.
The body tag is still the same but the back ground is still tiled meaning that if the page is longer than the background is in height it will start repeating its self.
To see what I am talking about scroll down and you will the the web repeating.
A note here the background gif I am using here is 640 x 480 and the screen setting I am using to make this page is also 640 x 480 so if your using a screen setting of 800 x 600 or larger it will also be repeating to the right to stop that you need to use an image that is the same size as the screen settings or larger.
To stop the screen from repeating its self up and down we need to "fix" it and we will do that on the next page.