Welcome to Tom's Web

Now we will learn   how do we go to the next page .
Using hyperlinks .

A hyperlink uses  The <a href="   tag and looks like this.

<p align="center"><a href="getting_started10.htm"><b>Next</b></a></p>

This is the link to go to the next page of this tutorial. In this case it is inside a paragraph tag that is aligned center (<p align="center"> </p>)

The hyperlink its self is.

<a href="getting_started10.htm"><b>Next</b></a>

Can be anywhere on the page and don't have to be in a paragraph tag.

It does have to be inside an <a> tag. The <a href="getting_started10.htm"> is the hyperlink to the next page of this tutorial in the same directory on the same drive s that is all that is needed to get there from here . This part of the link don't show on the page the <b>Next</b>  is the word that shows on the page as the hyperlink see the Next at the bottom of the page. The <b> </b> tags tells the browser to show everything between the tags in bold type </a> is the end of the <a> tag.

You can also link an image by using an image tag in place of the text.

The image below is also linked to the next page its link looks like this.

<a href="getting_started10.htm"><img border="0" src="tlogo.gif"width="144" height="27"></a>

The <img> with the image have be in closed in the <a></a> in place of ,or with the text.

If you want to go to some page, picture, or place that is not in the same directory a 
Which is the link to my home page.

To go to something on the same drive you need the full path  like this.
<a href="../Directory/ Next Dir/ next dir/ next dir/ My-Frame-1a.htm"> This link</a>

A hyperlink can be as simple as <a href="file name.htm">Next</a>

Or it can be quite complicated like this .

<a href="href="http://www.zdnet.com/zdhelp/howto_help/webgraphics/graphics_2.html">Text</a>

which includes <a href=" http://then the world wide web Then the whatever.com Then their dir#1 then dir#2 then their dir#3 then  the file we are looking for thefile.html">

