This is about the simplest Web page that you can make. It is just text on a
white back ground.
The HTML tags used to make this page are;
<br>, <body>,</body>, and
<!-- , -->. The <whatever tag>
tells the browser that a Hipper Text Makeup Language event is starting. The
</whatever tag>
tells the browser that a Hipper Text Makeup Language event is ending.
Most HTML tags have a start and end tag . But not all see the <br> tag is one that don't it tells the browser to start a on the next line. The <p> tag tells the browser to start a paragraph on the second line down and the </p> tag tells the browser that the paragraph is ending. one other tag of interest here is the " " Whish is a blank space the reason it is of interest is that the browser doesn't recognize more than one space put in by the space bar so if you are using Note Pad and typed This is a test. it would look like "This is a test.
The <!-- tells the browser that a comment ( notes you put in to help you later ) is starting and not to show it in the screen. The --> Tells the browser that the comment is ending and to start showing what is coming up next on the screen.
The <html> tag tells the browser that a web page is starting and the </html> tag tells the browser that a web page has ended.
Between the <head> tag and </head> is where you put things that need to be loaded to make the page work right like image pre loaders, scripts , <title> </title>tag (used to put the title of your web page) i.e. <title>Welcome to Tom's web</title> and <meta> tags used by search engine. (More on them later) for now all we need to know about them is that the browser treats them like a comment and don't show them on the screen.
The <title> and <title> are not really needed and can be left out .
Between the <body> and </body> is where you put every thing else you need to build your page. The body tag its self can be as simple as <body > or it can get quite complicated. It is where you tell the browser how you want your page formatted. It includes things like background color, if the back ground it to be a image or not, if the background image is to be fixes or scroll. the color of three different text links, and any on load instructions you mite need. We will do some work with the body tag on the next page and see if we can get a better looking page than this. Below is an example of how to start a page. go to the bottom of the page and click on NEXT to see what we do with the body tag. Right click on this page and chose view source to see this page. Or go to the browser menu at the top clock on View and chose view source.
<title>Welcome to Tom' web.</title>